Почетна / Preschool, Kindergarten, Nursery / Winter Holidays 2019 in the kindergarten 17

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On December 17 we celebrated winter holidays in the kindergarten, combining the Christmas, Hannukah and, for good measure, Mawlid an-Nabi*, in one joyful occasion. The evening's activities included creative workshops, a dance performance, presents from Santa Claus and a potluck buffet meal. Our bilingual and multicultural Kindergarten has 34 three-to-six-year-olds this year from the community itself and nearby towns. Many thanks to our teachers Suzanne, Ayelet and Huda. * Although the Christmas and Hannukah holidays helpfully coincide in 2019, Mawlid an-Nabi, which celebrates the birth of the Prophet Mohammad actually came quite a bit earlier this year.